Luna was born in 2013 and is a 40 lb unknown mixed breed.
She was rescued from a garbage dump as a puppy and was adopted by our son and his wife.
She didn’t adjust well to babies coming along and we adopted her in the fall of 2019.
We discovered shortly thereafter that Luna has Atypical Addisons disease; she has adapted to the RV life extremely well and the consistency of “her” truck and RV as well as her daily dose of prednisolone keeps her steady.
She is such a joy to have and is a very happy dog. Her tongue is her “happy meter” …the happier she is the more it hangs out the side of her mouth. When extremely happy she does a high pitched coyote like yipping scream … in short, it sounds like she’s being murdered.
Huxley was born in 2020 and is a 125 lb Bernese/Pyrenees cross.
He was adopted at 8 weeks old from a breeder in McBride, BC and has proven to be a very joyful, goofy pup.
We continuously joke that he is very immature for his age and we are not sure that he will ever fully outgrow the puppy stage!
Everywhere we go he draws attention and we often joke he’s the star of the family. Although it is challenging having such a big dog in such a small space, his presence is invaluable for his loyalty and yes… his protection.
Huxley keeps us laughing and he loves travelling in the truck and loves his RV home.